TWOsday Fun, June 13

Online: Zoom

Join our community of adults with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities on the second Tuesday of the month for games, community fun, and more. All are welcome to the free community event.  This month we will be meeting virtually for picture bingo! Please register using this link. Once you have registered your virtual bingo read more

Cooking with Community, June 20

The Bulla Center 301 W Jones St, Raleigh, United States

You’re invited to join together with new friends and familiar faces at Cooking with Community. What to expect during this afternoon time of food and fellowship: 1.  We first gather around tables and introduce ourselves. At this time, we share what we are celebrating this week (e.g. a birthday, our sports team won, a family member read more

Y’all Belong Here

Online: Zoom

All are welcome to join L’Arche Atlanta and L’Arche North Carolina’s community of people with and without disabilities for our monthly 30-minute interfaith virtual prayer service on the third Wednesday of every month at 12:30pm EST. All religious and/or non-faith traditions are welcome at this gathering. Each gathering is about 30 minutes and may include: Welcome and passing of read more

Crafternoon, July 05

The Bulla Center 301 W Jones St, Raleigh, United States

Every month we meet at the Bulla Center (301 W. Jones Street, Raleigh) for Crafternoon. This is a fun afternoon for people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities to craft together. L’Arche NC and friends plan a crafting activity and bring all the supplies. We will be making flower pressed lanterns! Please register using read more

TWOsday Fun, July 11

Online: Zoom

Join our community of adults with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities on the second Tuesday of the month for games, community fun, and more. All are welcome to the free community event.  This month we will be meeting virtually for name that tune! Please register using this link. Once you have registered the Zoom read more

Cooking with Community, July 18

The Bulla Center 301 W Jones St, Raleigh, United States

You’re invited to join together with new friends and familiar faces at Cooking with Community. What to expect during this afternoon time of food and fellowship: 1.  We first gather around tables and introduce ourselves. At this time, we share what we are celebrating this week (e.g. a birthday, our sports team won, a family member read more

Y’all Belong Here

Online: Zoom

All are welcome to join L’Arche Atlanta and L’Arche North Carolina’s community of people with and without disabilities for our monthly 30-minute interfaith virtual prayer service on the third Wednesday of every month at 12:30pm EST. All religious and/or non-faith traditions are welcome at this gathering. Each gathering is about 30 minutes and may include: Welcome and passing of read more

Disability Pride Parade

916 Lamond Ave. 919 Lamond Ave, Durham, NC, United States

Our former Duke Divinity Intern, Tatum Tricarico, and a few of her friends are planning a Disability Pride Parade in Durham, NC. It will be held on July 29 from 10:00am to 2:00pm and will be an amazing opportunity to celebrate the community of Disabled people in Durham and the broader Triangle area. Everyone is read more

Crafternoon, August 02

The Bulla Center 301 W Jones St, Raleigh, United States

Every month we meet at the Bulla Center (301 W. Jones Street, Raleigh) for Crafternoon. This is a fun afternoon for people with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities to craft together. L’Arche NC and friends plan a crafting activity and bring all the supplies. We will be making string art! Please register using this read more

TWOsday Fun, August 08

Online: Zoom

Join our community of adults with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities on the second Tuesday of the month for games, community fun, and more. All are welcome to the free community event.  This month we will be meeting virtually for trivia! Please register using this link. Once you have registered the Zoom link will read more