Dear Friends,

I hope you are well and filled with the same sense of excitement and purpose that I have as we embark on this next phase of the L’Arche NC journey together. Today, I am reaching out to you not only as the Executive Director of L’Arche North Carolina but also as a proud supporter and believer in the incredible mission that unites us.

Over the past two weeks, we have met with General Contractors and other skilled experts to discuss the necessary renovations to make this house a L’Arche home. We will need to renovate one bathroom for accessibility, create a safe egress from two bedrooms, repair outdated electrical components, and create an accessible entrance to the house. These projects, along with the regular operating costs of starting a L’Arche community, will require a great deal of resources.

As someone who has been fortunate enough to witness the transformative power of L’Arche firsthand, it is both an honor and a privilege for me to personally contribute to our current fundraiser campaign. The heartwarming stories, the genuine connections, and the profound impact that L’Arche has on the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities and those who walk alongside them have left an indelible mark on my own journey.

I have seen laughter illuminate the faces of our friends, witnessed friendships form that transcend boundaries, and observed the sheer joy that comes from realizing one’s true potential. These experiences have reinforced my unwavering belief in the importance of our work, and they serve as a constant reminder of the boundless potential that lies within each and every one of us.

It is my firm conviction that in giving to this campaign, we are not simply donating funds; we are investing in a brighter, more inclusive future. We are making a statement that every person, regardless of their abilities, deserves a place of belonging, a chance to thrive, and an opportunity to make their mark on the world.

Your support, whether through a financial contribution or by sharing the word about our campaign, will directly impact the lives of those we serve. It will help create opportunities for affordable housing as we renovate the first L’Arche house and ready it to welcome the first Core Members and Assistants to share life together. The impact of your gift reaches well beyond those who will live at this house. Your gift will provide resources for innovative inclusive programs that will reach families, volunteers, and the wider community.

I invite you to join me in this endeavor – a shared commitment to fostering a community where differences are celebrated, where aspirations are nurtured, and where every individual can find their voice and be heard.

Thank you for your continued belief in the mission of L’Arche North Carolina. Together, we can turn dreams into reality and create a legacy of compassion that will echo through generations to come.


With deep gratitude and warm regards,

Laura Steed Lorino

Executive Director