Dear Friends of L’Arche North Carolina,

I write to you today with difficult news. L’Arche International has released the results of a recent independent inquiry into the actions of L’Arche’s founder, Jean Vanier. We believe it is critically important to acknowledge the results, although none of the inquiry’s findings relate directly to L’Arche in North Carolina or the United States.

As L’Arche International’s communication states, the inquiry found Vanier sexually abused six women without disabilities, in the context of spiritual direction, between 1970 and 2005. Vanier lied, protected another abuser, and was himself abusing women. More information on this report and on L’Arche USA’s response can be found in today’s letter from Tina Boverman, L’Arche USA’s National Leader and Executive Director.

We at L’Arche North Carolina are shocked, distressed, and deeply saddened by this news. Furthermore, we condemn the actions and inactions of Jean Vanier, which are a betrayal of the fundamental values of our organization.

We are grateful for the courage of the women who gave their testimony. While respecting their privacy, we validate the pain that these women endured for many years and the long-lasting and negative impact that Vanier had on their personal lives and subsequent relationships.

Today, L’Arche North Carolina is focused on the impact this news will have on our community. L’Arche North Carolina is committed to creating communities of transparency and accountability with systems in place to protect all members of our community from harm. We recommit to addressing the housing crisis for people with I/DD in North Carolina and will not be deterred by the cowardice and violence of one man.