We are excited to welcome Macie Bridge to the L’Arche North Carolina Team. 

Macie is a recent graduate from Trinity College in Hartford, CT, and is coming to L’Arche NC for her service year with the Johnson Service Corps. As an undergraduate, Macie studied English and Religious Studies, and developed a love for ministry, leadership, and all things writing. She is excited to step into the nonprofit world with L’Arche for the year as she continues to discern her next professional steps. In her spare time, she can usually be found writing her novel, baking, or taking a nature walk. 

This is her first week working with L’Arche NC! Through this partnership, Macie will work with L’Arche NC for 32 hours each week. Her focus will be upcoming events, grant writing, and communications. We are grateful for her YES to L’Arche NC!