On Friday, March 17, we gathered with St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Raleigh for the Stations of the Cross: Disability Justice. Our Disability Theology & Justice Intern from Duke Divinity School, Tatum Tricarico, wrote reflections for each station that included joys and sorrows from a Disability perspective in connection to Jesus’ journey to the cross. Participants were invited to notice the unique ways that God is at work with and through the Disabled Community. As we traveled through the stations together in solidarity with Disabled people, we prayed to move beyond the Ableism and discrimination that are often present in society. If you missed this gathering, we will offer the Stations of the Cross: Disability Justice again as a virtual gathering on Zoom on April 4 at 7:00pm. Click here for more information.
At the gathering, St. Francis presented a $25,000 donation to L’Arche NC to support the establishment of our first residential home in the Triangle area! This donation is half of their three-year pledge to support L’Arche NC and our mission to create an inclusive and dignified community. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity and support of this caring congregation. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is the first congregation to make a Leadership commitment and gift toward our Sailing Home campaign. To date, we have raised over $490,000 toward our $1.5 million goal. Thank you!
We dream of our L’Arche house being a place where meals are shared, and transformative friendships are formed. It will take many communities and individuals to bring the dream of a L’Arche community in North Carolina to life.
If you or your congregation/organization are moved to join L’Arche in partnership with a leadership gift ($10,000 or more), please email laurasl@larchenc.org.