We had over 90 people join us a beautiful Sunday afternoon at the L’Arche House for the House Blessing & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony! We were especially grateful to have former board members, and those who helped shape this vision over a decade ago, with us at our wonderful L’Arche home south Durham. Their dedication has truly made a difference! Check out this reel on Facebook or Instagram

We were thrilled to welcome L’Arche USA staff, including Laura Giddings, the Executive Director of L’Arche USA and Thomas Marquis, Manager of Community Support & Learning. Other L’Arche communities were present for this exciting occassion, too, including Katie Miyakado from L’Arche Tacoma and Dustin Barrington from L’Arche Northern Colorado. The connections of L’Arche across the country were truly felt! 

Thank you to all our L’Arche friends, community partners, and supporters for, not only joining us, but making this day possible. Your presence, financial support, prayers, and many volunteers hours have made this house a home!

*Special thanks to Mark Evans for capturing these photos during the ceremony.

House Blessing

Leader 1: We gather here today to bless this home, a place where love, inclusion, and community will flourish.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace.

Leader 2: This plate represents the dining room, where meals will be shared. May the conversations around this table be filled with laughter, understanding, and friendship.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace.

Leader 3: This mixer represents the kitchen, a space where meals will be lovingly prepared together. May the act of cooking inspire togetherness, creativity, and the joy of serving one another.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace.

Leader 4: This pillow represents the bedrooms of our Core Members and Assistants. Each room is a sanctuary for rest and reflection. May we honor the unique gifts of every person, celebrating our differences and our shared humanity.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace.

Leader 5: This lamp symbolizes the living room, where stories will be shared and memories will be made. May it be a place where laughter echoes, quiet moments are cherished, and relationships deepen.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace.

Leader 6: This book represents the quiet room and office, where focus and reflection will occur. May it offer a space of learning, prayer, and growth for all who enter.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace.

Leader 7: This towel represents the bathroom, a place of care and dignity. May it always be a reminder of the sacredness of caring for oneself and others.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace.

Leader 8: This welcome mat symbolizes the entrance, a space that will greet all who enter. May everyone—visitor, family, or friend—find value, acceptance, and love within this home.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace.

Leader 9: As we bless this home and every room within it, let us remember the power of community, the beauty of diversity, and the strength of love.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace.

Leader 10: With grace and respect for all traditions, we offer this blessing to the home, the Core Members, the Assistants, and everyone who will be part of this community.

All: May this home be filled with joy and peace. Amen.