Legacy gifts take many forms:

1. Stocks and Equity gifts

L’Arche North Carolina is equipped to handle donations of equities. There are several advantages in donating stocks instead of a cash gift. When you donate an appreciated security, you may not have to pay capital gains tax on the gain. Generally, you may receive a tax deduction for the full value of the security on the day it is donated.

Your gift of stocks and equities to L’Arche North Carolina will have a measurable impact on our community as we continue to expand L’Arche NC, creating more homes for folks with and without I/DD to share life together, create friendships, and make meaningful connections in local communities. 

2. Bequests Under a Will

By working with your attorney or financial planner, you may be able to make several different types of bequests:

  • BEQUESTS: This is often a straightforward way to donate a specific dollar amount or percentage: “I give, devise, and bequeath to L’Arche North Carolina $ ___ dollars (or ___ %) to be used for its general purposes.”
  • CONTINGENT BEQUEST: You may choose to add a contingency to a general bequest for further direction. “In the event that _____ predeceases me, I give, devise, and bequeath their bequest or share to L’Arche North Carolina to be used for its general purposes.”
  • RESIDUARY BEQUEST: You may be able to donate all or a portion of your estate after all debts, taxes, expenses have been paid. “I give, devise, and bequeath to L’Arche North Carolina ___ % percent of the residue of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”

3. Life Insurance

In giving a life insurance gift, you may be able to name L’Arche North Carolina as a beneficiary for all or part of your policy, while still retaining ownership of the policy and having access to the policy’s cash value. We encourage you to find a time to speak with your insurance provider about naming L’Arche NC as a beneficiary.

4. Retirement Plans

Through a retirement plan provider, you may be able to designate L’Arche North Carolina as a full or partial beneficiary and name a specific dollar amount or percentage. This form of giving may also help maximize tax savings.

L’Arche North Carolina’s tax ID/ EIN is: EIN: 47-4421582

To inquire about these giving options, please email info@larchenc.org