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All are welcome to join L’Arche Atlanta and L’Arche North Carolina’s community of people with and without disabilities for our monthly 30-minute interfaith virtual prayer service on the third Wednesday of every month at 12:30pm ESTAll religious and/or non-faith traditions are welcome at this gathering.

Each gathering is about 30 minutes and may include:

  • Welcome and passing of the peace/sharing hello
  • Something to reflect on, such as a reading or video
  • Individual reflection
  • Sharing with small group
  • Closing with prayers (community joys & concerns)

How to Connect
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87177312701?pwd=M0dNd1VUY0N1VTJVS25LcmxPVFNrZz09
Meeting ID: 871 7731 2701
Passcode: 456180

One tap mobile

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