You’re invited to Zoom Trivia with L’Arche North Carolina! Sunday, August 14 at 3:00pm EST, we will have three rounds of trivia with eight questions each round. All questions are multiple choice, and if you don’t know the answer you can guess.
Feel free to come late or leave early, depending on your schedule.
There will be a prize for the winner of each round!
Please get four notecards/pieces of paper with A, B, C, and D on them. Make sure these are clear enough we can see them on camera — bold black letters on a white background work best.
L’Arche NC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Trivia
Time: Aug 14, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 856 0140 4253
Passcode: 128497
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