Fall Work Day

October 8, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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🎶Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere! Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share!🎶

L’ Arche NC is hosting a Fall Work Day on October 8th 2-4PM at the NEW L’ Arche house in South Durham!

We’ll work as a team to tidy up the house, making it ready for future residents and events. Get to know the house as we beautify it together, and make it an everlasting L’ Arche home.

Outside work involves yardwork and creating lampposts. Inside work includes sweeping, mopping, removing nails and scrubbing.

All are welcome, and thank you in advance!

Please sign up HERE by Friday October 6th, so we can make sure you recieve the right information in your email!