Laura is the Executive Director and Community Leader of L'Arche North Carolina.

About Laura Steed Lorino

Laura is the Executive Director and Community Leader of L'Arche North Carolina.

Sharing about L’Arche

We love visitng local congregations and organizations! Yesterday L'Arche was at Raleigh Mennonite Church. We visited with Liddy Grantland, who graduated from Duke University and now serves the L'Arche GWDC (Greater Washington D.C) community. She delivered a sermon during the service with L'Arche stories, reflections, and wisdom. You can listen to her sermon here.  Through Liddy's read more

By |2022-08-04T10:10:14-04:00August 1st, 2022|Uncategorized|

What a SAILABRATION: a recap of our 2022 breakfast fundraiser

On Saturday, July 23 we held a L'Arche NC SAILABRATION Breakfast at Duke Memorial UMC in Durham. We had pancakes, music, and a mini boat regatta! This gathering celebrated our growing community. It provided an opportunity for friends (new and old) to come read more

By |2022-08-04T12:04:08-04:00July 26th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Disability & Pride: Panel Discussion

On Thursday, June 30th, L'Arche NC hosted a panel conversation with L'Arche Tahoma Hope and L'Arche Portland. We were grateful to hear from keynote speaker, ChrisTiana ObeySumner, and panelists Azrael Burton, Deanna Parvin Yadollahi, Rebel Black, and Nicholas Herd. If you missed it, you can watch the recording below!

By |2022-08-04T12:13:30-04:00July 5th, 2022|Uncategorized|

L’Arche NC’s Prayer Night with St. Thomas More Catholic Church

On Wednesday, June 8th, we hosted a hybrid L'Arche NC Prayer Night with St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Chapel Hill. We were excited to be able to host most of this service with Spanish translation, and reflected on the theme of "joy" together. One of the songs we sang was "Peace Like A River", read more

By |2022-06-09T14:08:57-04:00June 9th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Mr. Rogers’ Birthday Celebration with CUCC

On Saturday, March 26th, we gathered with friends, new and familiar, to make puppets, sing songs, reflect on the lessons of Mr. Rogers, and put on some improv puppet shows. This morning spent with Community United Church of Christ in Raleigh was filled with laughter, creativity, and good spirits.            

By |2022-03-31T10:49:35-04:00March 31st, 2022|Uncategorized|
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