We love visitng local congregations and organizations!

Yesterday L’Arche was at Raleigh Mennonite Church. We visited with Liddy Grantland, who graduated from Duke University and now serves the L’Arche GWDC (Greater Washington D.C) community. She delivered a sermon during the service with L’Arche stories, reflections, and wisdom.

You can listen to her sermon here

Through Liddy’s stories, you can learn more about L’Arche. As she shares about her community, we invite you to consider supporting L’Arche GWDC, but in prayer and gifts. Likewise, as you listen, dream with us about the L’Arche Community we are building here in the Triangle Area.

During the service, we also had the opportunity to share some of the gifts of L’Arche North Carolina. Kyla, a regular volunteer and participant of L’Arche NC, shared a poem and Laura provided image description of the slides.

It’s always a blessing to be in community with local congregations. We’d love to visit you and your religious, nonfaith, or civic group. Please email Laurasl@larchenc.org to plan a L’Arche NC visit to your club or organization.